Styling Splitters - Modern

This examples uses CSS styles to pixel size panes and lock them in place. applied to panes in order to achieve the desired layout.

MenuBar - This is a splitpane, note how the splitters made static using CSS

ToolBar - This is another fixed size, locked splitpane

You can move those -->

Sample content

<-- You can move those

statusbar - and yet, another splitpane, same technique

	import { Pane, Splitpanes } from 'svelte-splitpanes';

<Splitpanes theme="no-splitter" horizontal style="height: 400px" dblClickSplitter={false}>
	<Pane size={6} minSize={6} maxSize={6}>
		<p>MenuBar - This is a splitpane, note how the splitters made static using CSS</p>
	<Pane size={6} minSize={6} maxSize={6}>
		<p>ToolBar - This is another fixed size, locked splitpane</p>
		<Splitpanes theme="modern-theme">
					Folder<br />
					You can move those --{'>'}
				<p>Sample content</p>
					Details<br />
					{'<'}-- You can move those
	<Pane size={6} minSize={6} maxSize={6}>
		<p>statusbar - and yet, another splitpane, same technique</p>

<style global lang="scss">
	.splitpanes.modern-theme {
		.splitpanes__pane {
			background-color: #f8f8f8;
		.splitpanes__splitter {
			background-color: #ccc;
			position: relative;

			&:before {
				content: '';
				position: absolute;
				left: 0;
				top: 0;
				transition: opacity 0.4s;
				background-color: #2db9d2;
				opacity: 0;
				z-index: 1;
			&:hover:before {
				opacity: 1;
			&.splitpanes__splitter__active {
				z-index: 2; /* Fix an issue of overlap fighting with a near hovered splitter */
	.modern-theme {
		&.splitpanes--vertical > .splitpanes__splitter:before {
			left: -3px;
			right: -3px;
			height: 100%;
			cursor: col-resize;
		&.splitpanes--horizontal > .splitpanes__splitter:before {
			top: -3px;
			bottom: -3px;
			width: 100%;
			cursor: row-resize;
	} {
		.splitpanes__pane {
			background-color: #f8f8f8;
		.splitpanes__splitter {
			background-color: #ccc;
			position: relative;
	.no-splitter {
		&.splitpanes--horizontal > .splitpanes__splitter:before {
			width: 0.125rem;
			pointer-events: none;
			cursor: none;
		&.splitpanes--vertical > .splitpanes__splitter:before {
			height: 0.125rem;
			pointer-events: none;
			cursor: none;