Change orientation & first splitter

When changing direction, all the panes current width or height will flip to adapt to the new layout.

Showing the first splitter is an option which allows user to double click the splitter to maximize the next pane.
The first splitter does not allow to resize the next pane.

	import { Pane, Splitpanes } from 'svelte-splitpanes';

	import Button from '$comp/Button.svelte';

	let horizontal = false;
	let firstSplitter = false;

	on:click={() => {
		horizontal = !horizontal;
	}}>{horizontal ? 'Turn to Vertical' : 'Turn to Horizontal'}</Button>
	on:click={() => {
		firstSplitter = !firstSplitter;
	}}>{firstSplitter ? 'Hide first splitter' : 'Show first Splitter'}</Button>
<Splitpanes style="height: 400px" {firstSplitter} {horizontal}>
	{#each { length: 3 } as _, i}
		<Pane minSize={5}>
			<span>{i + 1}</span>