Listening to emitted events

Here is the list of events that are emitted from splitpanes:

  • ready has no parameter and fires when splitpanes is ready
  • resize fires while resizing (on mousemove/touchmove) and returns an array of all the panes objects with their dimensions
  • resized fires once when the resizing stops after user drag (on mouseup/touchend). it returns an array of all the panes objects with their dimensions. The event also fires after adding or removing a pane.
  • pane-click returns the clicked pane object with its dimensions.
  • pane-maximize returns the maximized pane object with its dimensions.
  • pane-add returns an object containing the index of the added pane and the new array of panes after resize.
  • pane-remove returns an object containing the removed pane and an array of all the remaining panes objects with their dimensions after resize.
  • splitter-click returns the next pane object (with its dimensions) directly after the clicked splitter. This event is only emitted if dragging did not occur between mousedown and mouseup.

Try resizing panes and check the logs bellow.

	import { Pane, Splitpanes } from 'svelte-splitpanes';

	import TextArea from '$comp/TextAreaAutosize.svelte';

	let val = '// Event name: Event params   (Last event at the top)';

	function handleMessage(event) {
		if (event.detail) val = event.type + ' ' + JSON.stringify(event.detail) + '\n' + val;
		else val = event.type + '\n' + val;

	style="height: 400px"
	{#each { length: 3 } as _, i}
		<Pane minSize={10}>
			<span>{i + 1}</span>

<p>Try resizing panes and check the logs bellow.</p>

<TextArea bind:value={val} minRows={4} maxRows={40} />