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Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute


Print a string to the STDOUT with a trailing new line character


Write parameters to STDOUT with a trailing new line character.


out: string to write -> `<stdout>`


» out Hello, World!
Hello, World!

For compatibility with other shells, echo is also supported:

» echo Hello, World!
Hello, World!


out / echo output as string data-type. This can be changed by casting (cast) or using the tout function.

ANSI Constants

out supports ANSI constants.


  • out
  • echo

See Also

  • ANSI Constants: Infixed constants that return ANSI escape sequences
  • ( (brace quote): Write a string to the STDOUT without new line
  • >> (append file): Writes STDIN to disk - appending contents if file already exists
  • > (truncate file): Writes STDIN to disk - overwriting contents if file already exists
  • cast: Alters the data type of the previous function without altering it's output
  • err: Print a line to the STDERR
  • pt: Pipe telemetry. Writes data-types and bytes written
  • read: read a line of input from the user and store as a variable
  • tout: Print a string to the STDOUT and set it's data-type
  • tread: read a line of input from the user and store as a user defined typed variable (deprecated)
Last update:
Contributors: Olivier Refalo