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Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute


Create a 2D JSON array from multiple input sources


2darray merges multiple input sources to create a two dimensional array in JSON


2darray: { code-block } { code-block } -> `<stdout>`


» ps: -fe -> head: -n 10 -> set: ps
» 2darray { $ps[UID] } { $ps[PID] } { $ps[TTY] } { $ps[TIME] }


2darray can have as many or as few code blocks as you wish.

See Also

  • [ (index): Outputs an element from an array, map or table
  • [ (range) : Outputs a ranged subset of data from STDIN
  • a (mkarray): A sophisticated yet simple way to build an array or list
  • append: Add data to the end of an array
  • count: Count items in a map, list or array
  • ja (mkarray): A sophisticated yet simply way to build a JSON array
  • json: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • jsplit: Splits STDIN into a JSON array based on a regex parameter
  • map: Creates a map from two data sources
  • msort: Sorts an array - data type agnostic
  • mtac: Reverse the order of an array
  • prepend: Add data to the start of an array
Last update:
Contributors: Olivier Refalo